Post-Acute Care
We keep your business healthy so you can focus on keeping your patients healthy.
Although American’s oldest generation continues to age, the capacity for post-acute care options remains limited. Not only must providers navigate changing demographics but also recent events that require a renewed focus on infection control, therapy, and overall quality of care, while simultaneously striving to achieve a positive operating margin and be a good steward of public resources. As a result, providers must partner with a CPA and advisory firm that specializes in and understands the unique challenges and risks associated with the industry. CRI’s Healthcare professionals offer strategic insight on post-acute care regulations and strive to assist your organization with adapting to changing guidance. Our team offers a range of solutions to a full spectrum of service providers to ensure that your patients’ care remains intact and uninterrupted. CRI strives to do the heavy lifting so you can ensure that your focus remains on the most important aspect of your business—the health of your patients.