4004 Summit Blvd NE
Ste 800
Atlanta, GA 30319
Atlanta Business Chronicle's Annual Book of Lists
CRI continues to be highlighted in the Atlanta Business Chronicle's Annual Book of Lists. The ABC is widely recognized as a premier resource for business news in Atlanta. CRI's continued ranking on these lists accentuates our standing within the Atlanta and Georgia business community. Rankings include - 10th Largest Accounting Firm in the City of Atlanta for 2020,
- 10th Largest Employee Benefits and Compensation Company in Atlanta for 2020, and
- 5th Fastest Growing Accounting Firm by Revenue in the City of Atlanta (2019).
CRI Insights
Acuarp-Introduction to the Global Internal Audit Standards
On September 30, 2024, CRI Partner Doug Mims provided an external webinar, "Introduction to the Global Internal Audit Standards," to the Association of Credit Union Audit and Risk Professionals. This webinar was tailored to risk officers, internal auditors, and chief financial officers. It explored the 15 principles and the five domains that make up the five domains to provide participants with a foundation for understanding the depth and breadth of the new global internal audit standards.
NAREC 2024 Annual Financial & Tax Conference
On June 21, 2024, CRI Partner Doug Mims presented "Trends in Internal Audit," including the changes from the IPPF to the new Global Internal Audit Standards. Additionally, Doug covered the application of artificial intelligence in internal audits at the NAREC 2024 Annual Financial & Tax Conference for the National Association of Real Estate Finance Professionals.
Newton County Chamber of Commerce
On February 2nd, 2024, CRI Partner Gary Boteler provided an Income Tax Update to the B2B Network Group in Covington, GA. Gary relayed information on tax-business updates to the Newton County Chamber of Commerce members.
Is It Time?
On May 7th, 2024, CRI Partner Gary Boteler delivered a presentation titled "Is It Time?" at Covington First Presbyterian Church. This event was tailored for elderly members of the church and the general public and aimed to provide valuable guidance on navigating life's transitions, such as retirement, independent living, and hospice, with confidence.
7th Annual Atlanta IIA Government and Not-For-Profit Conference
On January 19th, 2024, CRI Partner Doug Mims spoke at the 7th Annual Atlanta IIA Government and Not-For-Profit Conference virtually for the Atlanta Chapter of the Institute of Internal Auditors. Doug provided a detailed overview of key accounting and auditing standards affecting community financial institutions, banks, fintech, etc. He highlighted the evolving Internal Standards for Auditing and the International Professional Practices Framework, emphasizing the new Global Internal Audit Standards draft. The course covers the 5 domains and 15 principles within them, offering participants a solid foundation in the updated standards.
Georgia Society of CPAs Financial Institution Conference
On October 19th, 2023, CRI Partner Doug Mims spoke at the Georgia Society of CPAs Financial Institution Conference in Atlanta, Georgia. Doug provided a high-level overview of the most relevant accounting and auditing standards impacting community financial institutions, banks, fintech, and etc.
Newton County Chamber of Commerce
On February 21st, 2023, CRI Partner Gary Boteler spoke at The Center - Covington, Georgia. At Newton County Chamber of Commerce, Gary and Tiffany Orr provided an income tax update for the Newton Chamber B2B Networking Group to small business owners.
Conservation Easements & Ecological Services – An Update
On September 27th, 2023, CRI Partner Gary Boteler spoke at the University of Georgia in Atlanta, GA. At the Conservation Easements & Ecological Services - An Update, Gary presented on charitable contributions and the relation to conversation easements to land owners, farmers, and foresters.
We’re About Success – Mental Wellness
On July 25th, 2023, CRI Partner Kendra LaFleur presented virtually at the We’re About Success program- Mental Wellness section for AICPA. Kendra provided ethnic minorities guidance early in their careers and the skills, resources, and support necessary to successfully navigate a career in accounting and progress to leadership roles.
We’re About Success – Mentoring, Sponsorship & Coaching
On July 27th, 2023, CRI Partner Kendra LaFleur presented virtually at the We’re About Success program for AICPA. Kendra provided ethnic minorities guidance early in their careers and the skills, resources, and support necessary to successfully navigate a career in accounting and progress to leadership roles.
Greater Hall County Chamber of Commerce
On July 11th, 2023, CRI Partner Jonathan Rogers presented at the Greater Hall County Chamber of Commerce in Georgia. Jonathan Rogers spoke at an event that provided the opportunity to talk with small businesses in the community.
Think & Thrive
On August 17th, 2023, CRI Partners Tiffany Orr and Pam Hardister presented at Think & Thrive in Covington, GA. They briefly introduced CRI's business taxes and consumer products services to an audience of women business owners in Newton County.
Black Tax Fest
On September 2nd, 2023, CRI Partner Tiffany Orr with Rod Williams presented at Black Tax Fest in St.Louis, Mo. Tiffany Orr and Rod Williams taught tax professionals and business owners details on many business structure alternatives and the associated tax implications.
2023 CFMA Southeastern Construction Regional Conference
CRI Partner Sam Clark moderated a session at CFMA Southeastern Construction Regional Conference on Surety Perspective on the Industry. In this active panel discussion, industry professionals from the Surety Company and Surety Agent sides shared insights into what to anticipate for the following years.
2023 GSCPA Nonprofit Conference
On May 16th, 2023, CRI Partner Miriam Miller presented at the 2023 GSCPA Nonprofit Conference in Atlanta on the impact of Digital tools and internal control in non-profit accounting.
Institute of Internal Auditors – Financial Services Conference
On June 9th, 2023, CRI Partner Doug Mims moderated the Institute of Internal Auditors - Atlanta Chapter panel discussion on "the current banking environment." Panelists included Federal and State regulatory bodies, law, and investment banking representatives. Topics included regulatory priorities, credit risk management, interest rate risk, and liquidity in today's banking environment.
GSCPA Nonprofit Conference – Form 990 Overview
Tiffany Orr gave a brief overview at Virtual Meeting for GSCPA Learning Center & 990 Higher Level/Common Questions Credits on May 15th, 2023. Tiffany discussed with the audience of professionals that work in the nonprofit industry in Georgia about the purpose and objectives of Form 990, filing requirements, importance to donors, consequences of non-filing, and unrelated business income.
On April 1st, 2023, CRI Partner Kendra LaFleur collaborated in a video for AICPA & CIMA to share the benefits of soft skills and knowledge of data analytics. This video is targeted towards current and young rising CPAs to elaborate more on the 150-hour requirement and some of the benefits.
On April 27th, 2023, CRI Partner Robert Steinhardt engaged in productive discussions with seasoned professionals from diverse industries at Provisors. In addition to his role as a member of the Brookhaven Chapter's leadership board, he hosted and facilitated the exchange of insights and expertise as a member.
Business RadioX Interview Part 2
Jeff Hawkins, a CRI Partner, spoke on Business RadioX about current M&A trends and what sellers should do to prepare for the recent market slowdown. This interview was the second in a series, and the conversation topic demonstrated how to help sellers manage difficult market conditions. You can check out Business RadioX for the episode.
Form 990 (Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax)
Tiffany Orr, a partner at CRI, gave a brief overview at Form 990 (Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax) Virtual Meeting for BNIAtlanta on April 26th, 2023. Clearly stated for the audience of business owners and board members the advantages Form 990 can provide to nonprofit organizations and aid them in comprehending the needs and goals of this crucial tax form.
2022 Georgia Construction Finance Conference
CRI Partner Sam Clark will be presenting on key considerations for leases under the new leasing standards in Construction at the 2022 Georgia Construction Finance Conference on November 9, 2022.
Georgia Bankers Association President/CEO, Bank Counsel and Bank Accountant Conference
CRI Partners Doug Mims and Hillary Collier presented and facilitated a discussion of current accounting, auditing and regulatory topics as for of the Accountants Conference session on September 26, 2022. Such topics will include: Current Expected Credit Losses (CECL); changes to loan modification accounting; recent proposed regulatory guidance on Commercial Real Estate loan work outs; accounting for debt securities pre and post CECL implementation; and FDICIA transition.
Think & Thrive Women’s Business Expo
CRI Partner Tiffany Orr and Pamela Hardister ran the CRI Sponsor booth at Oxford College during this Think and Thrive Women's business expo on August 25, 2022. The two of them presented on CRI's behalf regarding our services for business owners.
Community Bankers Association of Georgia – Advanced BSA/AML Compliance School
CRI Partner Doug Mims presented at the Community Bankers Association of GA Advanced BSA/AML Compliance School on August 22, 2022. As the Financial Institutions Sub-line Industry Leader and Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (CAMS), Doug served as a panelist throughout the session.
GA NW Business Network International – Referral Madness
CRI Partner Tiffany Orr recently presented to the Northwest Georgia Chapter of Business Network International on the home office deduction and frequently asked questions regarding the subject.
Georgia Society of CPAs 2022 Financial Institutions Conference
CRI Partners Doug Mims and Hillary Collier presented at an Accounting, Auditing (A&A) and Tax Update on October 20, 2022, that provided a high level overview of the most timely relevant accounting and auditing standards impacting community financial institutions, as well as recent tax developments. In addition, the presenters provided an update from the 2022 AICPA Conference on Banks and Savings Institutions being held in September 2022.
Business RadioX Podcast
CRI Partner Jeff Hawkins was a recent guest on the Business RadioX Podcast where he discussed the environment for selling middle market businesses and the mergers & acquisitions environment generally. Jeff, and host John Ray, covered the pandemic’s effect on M&A activity in the last two years, including the wave of sales at year end 2021. Jeff also discussed the due diligence process a seller will encounter, a Quality of Earnings Report, the role of audited financials, and much more.
GSCPA 2022 Nonprofit Conference
CRI Partners Karen Grosvenor and Aileen Bolger spoke at the GSCPA Nonprofit Conference on May 17, 2022. This discussion, titled "Not-for-Profits in a Post-Pandemic World, encompassed the changes that have permanently impacted programming, fundraising, and the workforce.
J.P. Morgan 2022 Mergers and Acquisitions
CRI Partner Jeff Hawkins presented at the J.P. Morgan 2022 Mergers and Acquisitions: Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities webinar on March 16, 2022. This one-hour presentation focused on the aforementioned facets of M&A from a macro perspective.
Ethics for Internal Auditors
On October 6th, 2021, CRI Partner Doug Mims presented at “Ethics for Internal Auditors” alongside the Association of Credit Union Internal Auditors via a virtual webinar. This webinar provided an overview of the Institution of Internal Auditors Code of Ethics and considerations for demonstrating conformance to the principles of integrity, objectivity, confidentiality, and competency. Attendees also learned more about the specifics of enterprise risk management (ERM) and regulatory compliance.
CECL: Recent Developments and Next Steps for Financial Institutions
CRI Partner Doug Mims presented via virtual webinar on behalf of the Association of Credit Union Internal Auditors on September 27, 2021. This webinar covered a summary of the impact of CECL to date, as well as an overview of the accounting and regulatory guidance. Additionally, the Weighted Average Remaining Maturities (WARM) method, the Interagency Policy Statement on the allowance for credit losses, and many more resources and tools discussed.
The I IA’s Three Lines Model: ACUIA Webinar
CRI Partner Doug Mims participated in the ACUIA webinar on July 21, 2021, which covered the Institute of Internal Auditors’ (IIA) Three Lines Model. This presentation included practical applications for financial institutions, the role of internal audit in the implementation of the new model, and ongoing considerations for internal audit on a prospective basis.
The Future is Now: Innovative Workplace Solutions | Livable Buckhead
This week, CRI Partner Bob Steinhardt co-presented on “The Future is Now: Innovative Workplace Solutions” a virtual webinar hosted by Livable Buckhead on June 24, 2021. Bob presented the tax ramifications of having remote workers and participating in a Q&A session at the end of the webinar.