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Is a Captive Right for Your Organization?

Mar 18, 2020

Not all organizations are good candidates for the formation of a captive insurance company. In most cases, captives tend to make the most sense for organizations that

  1. are comfortable with managing their risks internally
  2. are comfortable with the retention of certain levels of risk
  3. have competent risk management professionals in place to lead the captive program
  4. have had historical losses that are below average for their industry.

Typically, these organizations may already have large deductibles or self-insured retentions built into their coverage lines and often feel their insurance is overpriced based on the favorable loss history. Additionally, any company looking for coverage that is either not attainable in the commercial market or hard to place may also be a good candidate.

Captive arrangements will typically only be feasible for organizations with premium volumes large enough to allow captive risk management's benefits to outweigh the costs associated with forming and operating the captive. The premium volume required for captive feasibility is not a hard and set number but is somewhat variable based on the specific captive programs being designed and the scope of those programs. However, general guidelines typically recommend at least $1,500,000 of annual premium volume for a single-parent captive, whereas participation in a group captive would usually only require $500,000 of annual premium volume to be feasible. For smaller entities, where group or single parent captives are not possible, another arrangement is available through a “rent-a-captive” structure that can make programs as low as $250,000 in annual premiums feasible.

The initial startup and annual operating costs for a captive can vary depending on the program's complexity and structure. In contrast, the initial startup costs for a stand-alone single-parent captive typically start at around $80,000 and include the costs of the program feasibility study, legal services, initial actuarial review on program pricing, and tax opinions if required. In addition to this startup expense, captives will need varying levels of startup capital depending on the captive structure and the risk exposures being insured to ensure the solvency of the captive. Regulators in the state of domicile also require a minimum level of capital to operate.

The ongoing costs of management typically range anywhere from $80,000 to $120,000+ depending on the program's size and scope. These costs usually include the captive management fees, annual or semi-annual actuarial analysis, and annual audit* and tax preparation services. These fees are common in a single-parent captive environment, but the cost can be much lower for smaller programs.

Captive insurance companies are not designed to be short-term solutions but rather a longer-term strategic plan for managing their organization’s risks. It often takes several years for a captive program to mature and realize the full potential of the available benefits.

Formation Process

While the process for forming and starting a captive may vary depending on the type of captive being formed, the general process begins with a captive manager or consultant. With the Company’s risk management team, they will identify the Company’s risk mitigation needs and captive opportunities in conjunction with a full enterprise risk management analysis.

Once the specific coverage lines needed are identified, and coverage levels are determined, a feasibility study can be performed to develop the premium pricing and capital requirements for the designated coverage lines, the expected formation and annual operating costs, and the pro-forma financials for the captive. After this, a formal business plan is drafted and submitted to the state of domicile for licensing approval. Any fronting carriers, reinsurance providers, and service providers, such as accountants, attorneys, and third-party administrators, must be secured. The time from start to finish is typically three to six months but can vary depending on the individual.

Lastly, an essential item for organizations to understand when exploring the alternative risk management market for the first time is that it is not an all-or-nothing approach. Most organizations never entirely abandon the commercial insurance market. Instead, captive programs are often designed to work hand in hand with a Company’s commercial policies. This allows the captive to manage the higher frequency and more predictable risk layers while allowing either traditional coverages or reinsurance placements to cover most or all of the provider’s catastrophic risk layers.

Your organization may benefit from establishing a captive insurance company by engaging with the best insurance and healthcare advisors. Contact your local CRI advisor today and see how you can transform your enterprise risk management strategies into a competitive advantage.

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